Prof. Dr. med. Karsten Sydow
Chief Physician, Cardiology, Albertinen Cardiovascular Center
Prof. Karsten Sydow has been Head Physician of the Cardiology Clinic in the Cardiovascular Center of Albertinen Hospital since 2017.
His clinical expertise includes general cardiology, non-invasive and invasive coronary diagnostics including intervention, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiac intensive care.
He has experience in the field of interventional valve therapy (transcatheter aortic valve implantation – TAVI), left atrial occlusion device implant (left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO)) and renal denervation (RDN).
Due to his many years of activity in competitive sports, including as an internist and cardiologist for Hamburger SV – the German Bundesliga football (Am. "soccer") team, he has developed special expertise in cardiac sports medicine.
1974 | born in Hildesheim, married, three children |
since 2017 | Head Physician, Cardiology Clinic, Albertinen Hospital |
2012 - 2017 | Deputy Director of the Clinic/Chief Senior Physician/Staff Senior Physician, Clinic of General and Interventional Cardiology, University Heart Center Hamburg (UHC) |
2013 | Special Professorship (Internal Medicine, University of Hamburg) |
2009 - 2012 | Senior Physician, Clinic of General and Interventional Cardiology, UHC |
2009 | Specialist Physician in Cardiology (Hamburg Medical Association) |
2009 | Habilitation Venia legendi, Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg |
2005 - 2009 | Assistant Physician, Clinic of General and Interventional Cardiology, UHC |
2008 | Specialist Physician in Internal Medicine (Hamburg Medical Association) |
2003 - 2004 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University Medical School, California, USA |
2002 - 2002 | Assistant Physician, Medical Clinic III (Cardiology and Angiology), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UHC) |
2000 - 2002 | Internship at, Medical Clinic III (Cardiology and Angiology), UHC |
2000 | Doctorate "Summa cum laude", Hannover Medical School |
1993 - 2000 | Studies in human medicine, Hannover Medical School |
Special professional qualifications
- 2016: Additional advanced training in sports medicine (Hamburg Medical Association)
- 2015: Additional advanced training in sports medicine (Hamburg Medical Association)
- 2007: Specialty in Emergency Medicine (Hamburg Medical Association)
- 2019: Head of the Additional Qualification in Interventional Cardiology Site (Diakonie Corporate Governance Code (DGK))
- 2014: Certificate in Interventional Cardiology (DGK)
- 2007: Expertise in radiation protection (Hamburg Medical Association)
- 2007: Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz (Ärztekammer Hamburg)
Licenses to conduct advanced training
- License to conduct advanced training in inpatient basic training in the field of internal medicine (3 years)
- License to conduct advanced training: "Specialist Physician in Internal Medicine and Cardiology" relating to the specific section of the advanced training (3 years)
- Within the framework of the two above-mentioned licenses, the 6-month period in intensive care can be taught either during basic training or during specific training (6 months).
- Cumulative license to conduct advanced training for additional training in intensive care medicine (together with Dr. Forbech) (1 year)
Teaching assignment/Positions/Functions/Memberships
- Special Professorship: Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg
- Representative of the academic teaching hospitals: Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hamburg
- Member: German Cardiac Society – Cardiovascular Research (DGK)
- Member and expert for the additional qualification in Sports Cardiology: DGK Working Group on Sports Cardiology (AG32)
- Commissioner for Cardiac Sports Medicine: Hamburger Sportärztebund e.V. (Hamburg Sports Physician Association)
- Member: Deutsche Hochdruckliga e.V. (DHL®)
- Sydow K, Daiber A, Oelze M, Chen Z, August M, Wendt M, Ullrich V, Mülsch A, Schulz E, Keaney Jr JF, Stamler Js, Münzel T.: Central role of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase and reactive oxygen species in nitrate tolerance and cross-tolerance. J. Clin. Invest. 2004; 113: 482-489
- Meinertz T, Sydow K: Dieabetes mellitus - risk factor for atrial fibrillation. Potential therapeutic implications (Review). Herz. 2014; 39: 320-324
- Sydow K: Arterieller Hypertonus - Koronare Herzerkrankung - Herzinsuffizienz - AV-Knoten-Reentry-Tachykardie. Lamparter - Schmidt: Wirklich psychisch bedingt? Somatische Differenzialdiagnosen in der Psychosomatischen Medizin und Psychotherapie, 1. Auflage (2018), Kapitel 5.2.5 bis 5.2.8; 272-286, ISBN: 9783608431353, Schattauer Verlag
- Brunner FJ, Blankenberg S, Sydow K: Digital camera revealed infection with Borrelia burgdorferi as a cause of reversible total AV block in a 42year old man. Int. J. Cardiol. 2014; 177: e165-e166
- Baum C, Bohnen S, Sill B, Philipp S, Damerow H, Kluge S, Reichenspurner H, Blankenberg S, Soeffker G, Barten MJ, Sydow K: Prolonged resuscitation and cardiogenic shock after intoxication with European yew (Taxus baccata): complete recovery after intermittent mechanical circulatory support. Int. J. Cardiol. 2014; 181C: 176-178
Prizes and awards
- 2014, 2015: Teacher of the Year, Hamburg Medical Faculty (Category: Lecture in the Medicine II study section)
- 2013: Dr. Martini Prize Hamburg, Germany
- 2008: Young Investigator Award for an outstanding presentation, 4th International Conference on ADMA (advanced data mining and applications), Bregenz, Austria
- 2004: 1st Place Winner – Young Investigators Awards Competition, 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology, Anaheim, CA, USA
- 2001: Doctorate Award of the German Society of Angiology