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Every year, several thousand women with gynaecological diseases undergo surgery in the Gynaecology Clinic. The department uses the most tissue-sparing surgical methods, such as minimally invasive surgery (MIC), laser therapy and ultrasound technology.

We specialize in the treatment of endometriosis and myomas (uterine fibroids), and are recognised throughout Germany for our achievements. As one of the largest centers for deep infiltrating endometriosis, we use particularly gentle procedures in the treatment of intestinal endometriosis. These procedures give optimal results without the need for an additional abdominal incision. In the treatment of endometriosis, we rely on particularly precise and gentle surgery using the da Vinci robotic surgery system.

Endometriosis not only can severely limit your quality of life, but can also prevent you from achieving the long-awaited birth of a child. This is exactly where we seek to support you with our many years of expertise so that you become free of symptoms and fulfil your wish to have children.

In myoma surgery, we excel in operating on large and complicated myomas while preserving the uterus. We only perform a hysterectomy if you request it. We use the most modern procedures to operate safely and with minimal bleeding.

One of our main areas of focus is gynaecological oncology with breast surgery in our Breast Cancer Center. We are renowned for our outstanding expertise in the treatment of uterine cancer and cervical cancer. We use minimally invasive techniques that are both radical and extremely gentle. The da Vinci surgical robot is an essential part of our treatment and enables us to perform extremely precise operations.

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