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Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Nägele

Management, Heart failure and device therapy, Albertinen Cardiovascular Center

[Translate to English:] Porträt Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Nägele, Leiter Überregionales HFU-Zentrum - Albertinen International


Prof. Herbert Nägele, M.D. has been Head of the Department of Heart Failure and Device Therapy, Albertinen Cardiovascular Center, since 2014. As a specialist in internal medicine, he received his doctorate in cardiology and trained in cardiovascular preventive medicine. In addition, he trained in the areas of heart failure and special rhythmology – active implants. A personal authorization of the health insurance association entitles him to care for heart failure and heart transplant patients.

My working motto: "Comprehensive and easily accessible care"

Prof. Dr. med. Herbert Nägele, Leiter Überregionales HFU-Zentrum

1957 born in Hessigheim am Neckar, married, three children
seit 2014 Head, Department of Heart Failure & Device Therapy, Albertinen Hospital
2010 Special Professorship pursuant to section 17, University of Hamburg
2004 - 2013 Chief Senior Physician, Krankenhaus Reinbek St.-Adolfstift
1987 - 2003 Senior Physician and Assistant Physician in Cardiology & Heart Surgery, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
2003 Habilitation (post-doctoral qualification for a teaching career in higher education) and Venia legendi award in Internal Medicine
2000 Sports Medicine
1999 Rescue Medicine
1998 Specialist in Cardiology
1993 Specialist in Internal Medicine
1989 Doctoral dissertation
1987 License to practice medicine
1987 Physician examination
1986 Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences (FMGEMS) / State medical licensing examination in USA
1981 - 1987 Medical studies, University of Hamburg



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